API Stress Zyme Plus Review

stess zyme

API Stress Zyme Plus is an excellent product to use when developing your biological filter. It is also useful for cleaning up a dirty aquarium. Both products promote the growth of bacteria and improve the health of the biological filter. You can find out more about this product by reading this review. Hopefully, this article will help you make the right choice for your tank. It will improve the health of your aquarium by making it more efficient.

Designed for both marine and freshwater aquariums, Stess Zyme is a great addition to any fishkeeping arsenal. It contains 300 million bacteria that are in a dormant state until added to the aquarium. It has a shelf life of five years and does not require refrigeration. You can use it for either freshwater or marine aquariums. Be sure to shake it well before adding it to your tank. It is effective for both freshwater and marine aquariums.

Another great product for a marine aquarium is the stability zyme. It contains approximately 300 million beneficial bacteria and is twice as concentrated as stress zyme. It is a great option for freshwater aquariums because it is much less expensive than its counterpart. It is ideal for marine tanks because it is twice as effective. It can be added to your existing aquarium once a week and works as a fertilizer.


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